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Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Buckling Roads

I'm not sure what happened with Mother Nature but we went from a spring struggling to appear to the depths of hot, humid summer temps as quickly as one can flip a switch.  I can't speak for any other Minnesotan but as for me....NOOOO....turn the heat off and I want my good friend 'Less Humid' to appear...now!! 

It's just way too early to be wishing for a snow flake but I find my mind wandering towards thoughts of snow as the mercury edges upward toward triple digits.  Yes...triple digits!  We broke records yesterday with the mercury topping 97 degrees (or for those of you who go by celsius 36+ degrees) and we're possibly hitting 100 degrees (37+ celsius) with heat indexes getting to 105 degrees (40+ celsius).

Which brings on the buckling road phenomenon.  You might be wondering what the ...?  Well, I don't know if this phenomenon is just something that happens here in the U.S. when temps get to extreme levels but highways/interstates, especially older concrete ones here can buckle from being unable to expand as far as they need to in high temps so the concrete/pavement crumbles and heave upwards to relieve the pressure which can be quite a spectacle, hazard and bring a rush hour to its knees and ruin your commute.

I've not experienced a road buckle first hand though have experienced more than my fair share of commuting hell resulting from a buckled road but I hope never to experience it as it happens.  I've been told it is be quite frightening at the very least and can lead to serious damage to vehicles and bodily harm to people too. 

I'd be curious to find out if this phenomenon happens in other countries...what about it readers?  Does this happen where you live?  I'd love to hear from you!

As for me I'm going to go see if I can find my friend 'Less Humid'...   he's got to be around here someplace!

Now...wherever you are...have a great day!!