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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

3 Clues To Fine Dining?!

After all the driving we had been doing the past two days we gave ourselves a free day to indulge ourselves with whatever we wanted to do.  Well technically with all the driving Natalie had been doing but it is really hard to be a copilot especially when you can't read a map to save your life (at least in Launceston) and the elbow was a tad sore from having to change out the music cd from time to time.  Who would have thought the song 'Jolene' by Dolly Parton would be a staple in Natalie's cd collection?!  But it is indeed and on the way back to Lorne yesterday she provided an amazing array of vocal talent accompanying whatever song was playing at the time!! 

It was a misty and foggy morning and we had received quite a bit of heavy rains overnight so it really was an excellent day to kick back.  Natalie was off to the local spa for a pamper treatment in the early afternoon and I was amusing myself looking in all the shops until the mist decided to back off and I could wander up and down the shore of Loutit Bay indulging myself in some photography...I'm sure that comes as a surprise to everyone doesn't it?! 

Natalie and I met back up for dinner that evening and I actually was quite surprised she did as you could tell she had had a great pampering session and really should have just been in bed.  I was finally going to 'bite the bullet' and try kangaroo.  I had noticed one of the fancier looking restaurants had kangaroo on their menu posted for you to peruse and the place looked a bit upscale and Natalie had been asking when I was going to try some. 

Well I tell you...looks can be deceiving and to say the dinner was a success would be far from the truth.  When the waiter delivered our meals somehow we knew they were ready when we heard this 'yoohooooo' echoing from the kitchen and that definitely wasn't what one would have expected to hear in an 'upscale' restaurant.  That should have been Clue #1. 

I really do say 'upscale' with tongue in cheek...the waiter brought Natalie an entirely different pasta from the menu than what she ordered...Clue #2...and my kangaroo looked like only a portion actually hit the pan and the rest was left dangling off the side of the stove...can you say raw with a hint of warmth only?! ...and there you have Clue #3!!  Despite the unappetizing look of raw kangaroo I did eat some of it and can say I tried it but kangaroo hasn't  'hopped' onto my top 10 list of foods to try in Australia...at least not in Lorne again. 

So...after a disappointing dinner we called it an evening...we were off to Ballarat in the morning...can't believe I actually said 'hop!'  Anyways...

Until next time...wherever you are have a great day!!

If you would like to see more pictures of Day 3 in Lorne here is a link to that photo album on Picasa:  Play slideshow
If you would like to see more pictures of the Cockatoos in Lorne here is a link to that photo album on Picasa:  Play slideshow
If you would like to see more pictures of the Flowers in Lorne here is a link to that photo album on Picasa: Play slideshow

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