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Sunday, May 22, 2011

A Red Carpet Departure!!

I did not sleep well and was up and down a few times during the night.  I would go outside and sit for a while just looking up at the stars and whatever the constellations were that I was looking at.  Heaven knows I could only identify the moon and knew absolutely nothing about the stars in the Southern Hemisphere.  A couple of weeks earlier it had dawned on me in the middle of the night looking up at the stars that I was truly in the Southern Hemisphere when I tried locating the Northern Star and realized I knew not a single star shining in that night sky. 

Even though I wished it away morning came and it was time to head to the airport.  I am one that doesn't like to be seen getting verklempt but from time to time I had to wipe a tear away.  I'm sure Natalie probably noticed but didn't say anything which was probably a good thing as I would have lost the battle right then and there instead of later. 

Before I arrived in Australia I had given Natalie a hard time about having the red carpet treatment and a band playing when I landed.  Well of course that didn't happen and I never expected it but now, leaving Australia I had to laugh as we approached the international customs departure area.  Lo and behold there before my eyes was a red carpet at the entrance!!  It was a brief moment of humor...and then I had to say goodbye.

You never leave someone behind, you take a part of them with you and leave a part of yourself behind. 

~Author Unknown~

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