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Monday, December 6, 2010


Coming up with a 'catchy' name for a blog really doesn't seem my forte' so I decided to use a 'Minnie-ism.'  Some of you will be thinking 'what the h***' is she talking about and those of you who knew mom probably will grin and instantly come up with some other 'Minnie-ism' she would have said.  Mom was notorious for her sayings and since she has passed I have chuckled more than once when one of them pops into my mind which has helped ease the pain of her no longer being here with us.

To say mom was a character would be no stretch of the truth by any means.  Just take a look at the picture above of her and I think you can get the idea though this wasn't one of her favorite pictures as she thought she had too many wrinkles...I, myself, think of them as character lines and mom was a character to say the least.

So...this is the first post...nothing exciting or earth shattering nor cutting edge but it's a start.  So I will close with yet another 'Minnie-ism' mom borrowed from Linda Ellerbee years ago...

...and so it goes.

1 comment:

  1. Minnie-isms--"He's so dumb he couldn't pour piss out of a boot if the instructions were written on the bottom"

    "Sport" an old guy with shorts and black socks
