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Saturday, April 2, 2011

To The Melbourne Zoo I Go!

Public transportation is not something that I use on a daily basis in Minnesota.  In actuality I haven't used it here in years but it is definitely something we have missed the boat on and the U.S. needs to vastly improve their public transportation system...ok...stepping off my soap box now... 

But Melbourne is different...their train system, once I got a handle on the train stops (and I definitely was quick to ask for directions right off),  it was pretty easy to get around on.  Oh sure...I got off at the wrong station first time out and then got on the wrong train and an express train to boot heading a 'bit' out of the way back to Natalie's but with train map in hand I didn't find myself in 'timbuktwo' and made it 'home'.  So with more confidence and written directions from Natalie I headed out to the Melbourne Zoo.  It was an overcast day with rain showers off and on but I wasn't going to let anything damper my adventure.

The Royal Melbourne Zoological Gardens, commonly known as the Melbourne Zoo, was established way back in 1862 and is Australia's oldest zoo.  The zoo is set among flower gardens (ooooo gotta love those flowers...right Natalie?) and I was going to get to photograph two of my favorite subjects...flowers and animals. 

I was especially looking forward to the possibility of getting some shots of the Sumatra tigers as I had been following the four cubs' progress online since early last year when they were first introduced.  They were so cute and adorable and cuddly looking then but now as you can see they've grown up just a bit and I seriously doubt I'd remotely even consider getting too close to the fence let alone cuddle with them!!  But they are just magnificent looking and their eyes seemed to penetrate into your soul when they looked right at you.

Another baby I'd been following online was the Asian elephant girl Mali.  I was hoping that she would be out on display and I was delighted to see that she indeed was going to be out while I was there.  So that was where I headed first.  Little did I know that I was going to go right by the Sumatra tigers on the way...and some flower gardens too!  Like I've said before there's just something about flowers...I know...I know...probably boring to more than a few people...anyways...
As I left the Sumatra tigers I had to take cover in the Reptile building as it had started to rain in earnest.  Now I'm not so much a fan of reptiles but I actually did get a few good pictures of some of the 'residents' there. 

All in all I had a great day at the zoo though the weather could have cooperated a bit better but there always seemed to be a shelter I could step into as the showers continued off and on.  But the showers did grace the flowers with droplets which always make for a pretty picture.  I could have spent much more time there but rain started setting it...or so it seemed so I called it a day and headed to the train station.  Of course by the time my train pulled up the rain had diminished to a drizzle.  Oh well...guess I'll just have to do an encore and go back to Australia again!!

Now...wherever you are...have a great day!!

If you would like to see more pictures taken at the Melbourne Zoo here is a link to that photo album on Picasa:  Play slideshow 

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