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Friday, January 28, 2011

Creature of Habit?

I know that I am not alone in this...everybody does it at some point or another and that is to put some item someplace you'll be sure to remember where you put it and then the hunt is on because you just cannot for the life of you remember where in the hell you put the item though you know you just had to have put it someplace where you were for sure to remember?  Whew!!  Sound familiar?!

The search was on...where is my ipod?  I had put it someplace and it was driving me nuts that I could not remember where.  I had wanted to take my ipod with to Montana as there were some areas where radio stations didn't come in real well or what did wasn't something I really wanted to listen to...cattle markets and auctions come to mind.  But...couldn't find the damned ipod.

I am somewhat of a creature of habit but not so much that there is one place and only once place for an item to be put.  There are always a few suspect places to look for an item like the vehicle keys, etc. and the same goes for the ipod...or so I thought.  Time was starting to dwindle on finding it before the big trip to Oz. 

But today I wasn't looking for it as I was picking up one of my bestest friends and we were going out for lunch.  As I was driving down to pick up PJ I started to put papers & junk from the front passenger seat into the back so he'd have some place to sit with a bit of comfort.  I had a couple of jumbo packs of gum from the trip out west and I decided instead of hiding them in the growing mess in the back seat I popped the glove box and tossed them in there and shut the door.  Or at least I tried to shut the door but the latch didn't catch and it popped back open.  Somehow one of the packs of gum had gotten stuck in one of the hinges and jammed the door so it wouldn't shut.  Crap!!  Not what I needed while driving or any other time for that matter.

I reached over and tried pulling the gum paper loose with no success.  I pulled and twisted and pushed and pulled and then gave a big jerk.  Bam!!  Crash!!  I had succeeded in pulling the gum paper loose but in the victory the glove box door unhinged and dropped down to the floor spewing out all of the contents.  What a mess!! 

But wait!  What's that I see??  Well I'll be damned!  So much for me professing to be somewhat of a creature of habit.  Much to my surprise there amongst the mess on the floor was my ipod.  Who knew that that ipod went to Montana with me.  I would never have thought of looking in there for it.  Break the damned glove box but find my elusive ipod!!  What dumb luck!!

Fortunately with only a bit of elbow grease I was able to get the glove box back on its hinges and was hurriedly stuffing all of the junk except the ipod back into it when PJ came out.  Needless to say he seemed to get a chuckle out of my dilemma but all's well that ends well and the elusive ipod has now been found and I am not going to let it out of my sight between now and when I head to Oz.

Now...where did I put my passport??

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