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Thursday, February 17, 2011


Finally... the BIG day has arrived and I am beside myself with excitement and also a bit nervous!!  After all, it is a rather long excursion I am embarking on today and we'll see how well this body of mine handles 24 hours of traveling.  It will be interesting at best but I am sooo excited I can hardly stand it and probably most around me are ready to see me off for some peace & quiet for the next month...well, except maybe the 'velcro dog' Gertie. 
To say she is not happy with the huge suitcase that has been overshadowing her for the past 1 1/2 weeks would be an understatement and I've needed to be a bit nonchalant about it so she hasn't become completely neurotic and try jumping in to go with along with quite a few other people who have wanted me to take them with!!  Somehow I think customs in Aus would take notice if I were to arrive with a dozen huge suitcases in tow...sorry guys!  At least with just one I might not get turned back as the Tour Guide keeps threatening to have them do!!  We'll see if the Tour Guide really has a band & the red carpet out for my arrival! Ummm...that'd be a NO without even any thought!!  But one can always try can't they?!!
As promised I'm going to finish out the last few words of interest (at least to me) with the last of the Australian slang from the book "The New Dinkum Aussie Dictionary" by Crooked Mick of the Speewa.  I just know the Tour Guide is going to rush to her iPhone when she gets up for her Friday to see if I would dare put Oz in my blog today...but of course I would!!  LOL 
Anyways...here we go...under the letters R & S we have:
Rellies:  one's family and relatives are commonly referred to as the rellies' or 'the rels'. 
Roo:  Abbreviation for kangaroos.  Also the nickname for the North Melbourne footy team who, by default, I now 'barrack' on.  (Must try and not use the term 'root' for cheering them...that doesn't exactly mean cheer in Aus...)
Scorcher:  A bloody hot day.  A 'real scorcher' is a bastard.  (Now I don't need a dictionary of slang to understand this one as we use scorcher ourselves for really hot days.)
Shit-yeah!:  A famous Aussie expression of enthusiastic affirmation or approval: 'Did youse go to the pub last night?' 'Shit-yeh! There was  nothin' worth watchin' on the telly'.
Strine:  Aussie for the Australian language.  (See Ms. Tour Guide?!  Like Oz, strine is also in this wonderful book of slang you...yes you sent to me so no whinging about my usage of the words now!!)
Ok...on to the letters T, U, V, W, X, Y & Z...
Tassie:  The island state of Tasmania, also known as The Apple Isle.  Pronounced 'Tazzie'.  (Can hardly wait for the 5 day driving trip in Tassie and no...I will not be driving much, if any...that's what the Tour Guide is for!!  LOL)
Tea:  Most Aussies have breakfast, lunch and tea.  Only posh people call it 'dinner'. (Guess I'm one of those posh people...whodathunkit?!)
Uni:  University. 'If she gets good marks, she's off to uni next year.'
Unit:  A flat, apartment or condominium.  The full name is a 'home unit.'
Vegemite:  A dark-brown yeast extract that is a popular sandwich spread.  No-one from a non-British, non-Australian or non-New Zealand background would even consider eating something that smells so vile.  (Really...it isn't bad...got a little tube of it as a prezzie one year for Chrissie from the Tour Guide but must admit creamy peanut butter on toast is still my favorite!)
Walkabout:  To 'go walkabout' is to wander around on a whim.  The term comes from the Aboriginal practice of nomadic wandering in the bush or Outback, bu someone who has merely disappeared for a while could be said to have 'gone walkabout.'
Whinge:  To whine or complain.  One who whinges is called a 'whinger', a term that is often linked to Pom.
You're right:  The Australian version of the Americanism, 'You're welcome', which can also mean 'that's okay'.  (I expect to hear this quite often from the Tour Guide!!)
Whew!!  We're done!!  What's that you say?  Where's letter Z?  Why there isn't anything under the Z in my book but if I run across one on my travels I'll be sure to share it with all of you.
Well...it's about time to go pack the stack of clothes and try keep it under 50 pounds.  Actually don't think that'll be a problem and I hope to transfer some of the stuff I've packed in the backpack and camera bag into the suitcase to cut down on what I will be carrying on the plane.  Who knew cameras & a 17" laptop could weigh so damned much?!
So...until the next post, whenever that might be...take care, have a great day and I'm off to the Land of Aus!! 

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