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Thursday, February 17, 2011

I'm Off!!

Well...I'm at Terminal 1 (Hubert Humphrey Airport) in Minneapolis and have made it through security though I thought I was going to end up getting searched as I hadn't taken all of the objects containing metal off me.  Guess I found out that security is much tighter than the last time I flew which is...about 11 years ago.

I found a 'wonderful' stainless steel cubicle thingy to park myself and my bags in and pull the laptop out and hop on the Internet but of course not...not without signing up with 'boingo wireless' for a flat monthly fee of $9.95.  Glad I read the smaller print as it looked like the $7.95 hookup was better but in smaller print it's that for EACH time you connect.  I don't think so!!  Now just so I remember to cancel the account after I get back from Australia!!  Help me remember guys!!

Well...looks like they are running behind and are just getting the San Diego flight to start boarding and then I imagine the plane for Los Angeles will pull up to the gate so I can get started.

Ooooo...the sun is peeking out now!!  Yippee!!  It's been pretty foggy all day but no delays at least not due to the fog...not sure why the San Diego flight is a bit behind but nothing for me to worry...I'm on my to Australia!!

Have a great day wherever you are!!

Aussie, Aussie, Aussie...Oi! Oi! Oi!


  1. Before I forget...Im a blogger myself. You can follow us (if you want) at www.mntrumbull.blogspot.com
