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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Old Cell Phone Gathering Dust??

I just saw a segment on ABC's Good Morning America and thought this was a great idea and wanted to share the information with you.  I have multiple old cell phones gathering dust here that will go to better use now than as a dust gatherer...maybe this will be of interest to you too! 

Here's a link to the segment online: 



Did you know that your old phones can save lives?
With Hope Phones, it’s easy…

Hope Phones Recycling Center
794 Industrial Court
Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302

Hope Phones Recycling Center
794 Industrial Court
Bloomfield Hills, MI  48302

Go to:http://hopephones.org/donate/
American's discard over a half a million cell phones every day, and only 10% of those phones are recycled.

Hope Phones helps bring a new life to your waste.

If we throw away 500,000 phones each day, and each is worth $15-$50, then with just 1% of that money, Hope Phones can raise enough to buy new phones for a million health workers. Yes, a million.

Because health workers in the developing world use simple phones, a donated phone has a huge impact- if you send in your used iPhone, for example, Hope Phones can purchase 5-7 phones for healthcare workers.

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